Homepage Quick Scan for Innovation Credit

About this form

The Innovation Credit scheme enables the financing of technical, risky, promising and innovative projects. These projects must result in new products within a few years. Examples are the technical development of a new product or the development of a medicine which requires clinical research
  • Use this form to present a project or plan to the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) without obligation.
  • Write a brief description. The more precisely you fill in the Quick Scan, the better we are able to judge whether your idea is viable.
  • Together with you, RVO evaluates whether your idea meets the objectives of the scheme.
  • One of the advisors will contact you as soon as possible. You will be advised no the further development of your project and whether it is worth elaborating on your idea so that it can be submitted as an application.
  • Your idea will be treated in strict confidence.
  • For more information see english.rvo.nl/subsidies-programmes/innovation-credit
  • We handle your personal data with care. Read more about our privacy policy on english.rvo.nl/about-netherlands-enterprise-agency/privacy.
  • The Quick Scan is not a credit application.
  • We aim to contact you within 2 working days.

Expected completion time

The average time to complete this form is approximately 20 minutes.

Interim saving

Save your details regularly. If you do not make any changes to the form for 15 minuten, it will close. If you want to continue later, click on ‘Save’ at the top left of your screen. You can now save the form on your computer. To reopen the saved form, click on ‘Open’ at the top left of your screen. Select your file and click on ‘Open’. You can now continue completing the form.


Once you have completed the form, it will be sent to the RVO. You will receive a confirmation email.

Personal data

We will handle your personal data carefully. Learn more about our Privacy Policy.

Click on the information icon next to a question or read the explanations on the form for more information about the questions. Do you have any questions? Call the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) on +31 70 379 80 00. If the employee wants to follow along: Start help by remote access.