Orange Corners subsidy application 2024

About this form
  • With this form, you can submit an application for the Orange Corners subsidy programme in one of the target locations listed;
  • With regard to sharing or making public any of the data shared in this form, Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) is bound by the Dutch General Administrative Law Act, the Open Government Act and the General Data Protection Regulation;
  • Please give concise and concrete answers. This helps us assess your proposal.

  • More information
    If you have any questions, please contact

    Application period
    You can only apply during an application round. All dates and the necessary digital application forms are on the subsidy programme page.

    Expected completion time
    The average time to complete this form is approximately 60 minutes, including the preparation time involved with drafting answers to the questions. We advise you to prepare your answers in a separate document and copy them into this form.

    Required fields are marked with *

    Application period

    You can submit the form for this scheme from 3 June 2024 until Friday, 12 July 2024, 23:59 CEST.

    Interim saving

    Save your details regularly. If you do not make any changes to the form for 15 minutes, it will close. If you want to continue later, click on ‘Save’ at the top left of your screen. You can now save the form on your computer. To reopen the saved form, click on ‘Open’ at the top left of your screen. Select your file and click on ‘Open’. You can now continue completing the form.


    Once you have completed the form, it will be sent to the RVO. You will receive a confirmation email.

    Personal data

    We will handle your personal data carefully. Learn more about our Privacy Policy.

    Click on the information icon next to a question or read the explanations on the form for more information about the questions. You can find information about the regulation on the website. Do you have any questions? Call the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) on +31 70 379 80 00. If the employee wants to follow along: Start help by remote access.